Class Teacher: Miss L Smyrell - Mrs C Johnston (Maternity Leave)
Classroom Assistant: Mrs A McElheran
SEN Classroom Assistant: Mrs R McConaghy
Miss L Smyrell Mrs C Johnston Mrs A McElheran Mrs R McConaghy
News from Primary 2 coming soon....
Welcome to Primary 2
Our first term of P2 has been full of fun activities. Please have a look at our class page to find out what we have been learning about so far!
Each week we enjoy learning about our new sound and exploring different things that have this sound. We have spent some time revising our initial sounds from Primary 1 before moving on our new digraph sounds.
Shared Reading
Our class loves reading! We have been listening to lots of stories linked to our topic 'Houses and Homes' and have completed lots of different activities around them.
We have:
In Language and Grammar, we have been revising our learning from P1. We have been busy practicising writing our names, learning about sentence structure, rhyming words, pronouns and speech bubbles.
In writing we have been revising how to write super sentences. We have learnt that every sentence needs a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. We have completed lots of writing activities related to our topic 'Houses and Homes.'
In Numeracy we have been learning about the numbers 11-16. We have completed some really fun activties both inside and outside and learnt some songs to help us with our number formation.
We have been:
In our Numeracy topic work, we have learnt about 2D shapes, measuing length using non-standard units and telling the time. We love completing lots of fun activities during task time to develop our learning.
These activities include:
Play-Based Learning
Our topic this term is 'Houses and Homes.' We have loved exploring this topic through play-based learning and have enjoyed investigating different types of homes around the world. Our class loves 'Welly Wednesday' as we have lots of fun playing outside in the garden. Have a look at how much fun we have had so far this term!
Class Teacher: Miss L Smyrell - Mrs C Johnston (Maternity Leave)
Classroom Assistant: Mrs A McElheran
SEN Classroom Assistant: Mrs R McConaghy
Miss L Smyrell Mrs C Johnston Mrs A McElheran Mrs R McConaghy
News from Primary 2 coming soon....
Welcome to Primary 2
Our first term of P2 has been full of fun activities. Please have a look at our class page to find out what we have been learning about so far!
Each week we enjoy learning about our new sound and exploring different things that have this sound. We have spent some time revising our initial sounds from Primary 1 before moving on our new digraph sounds.
Shared Reading
Our class loves reading! We have been listening to lots of stories linked to our topic 'Houses and Homes' and have completed lots of different activities around them.
We have:
In Language and Grammar, we have been revising our learning from P1. We have been busy practicising writing our names, learning about sentence structure, rhyming words, pronouns and speech bubbles.
In writing we have been revising how to write super sentences. We have learnt that every sentence needs a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. We have completed lots of writing activities related to our topic 'Houses and Homes.'
In Numeracy we have been learning about the numbers 11-16. We have completed some really fun activties both inside and outside and learnt some songs to help us with our number formation.
We have been:
In our Numeracy topic work, we have learnt about 2D shapes, measuing length using non-standard units and telling the time. We love completing lots of fun activities during task time to develop our learning.
These activities include:
Play-Based Learning
Our topic this term is 'Houses and Homes.' We have loved exploring this topic through play-based learning and have enjoyed investigating different types of homes around the world. Our class loves 'Welly Wednesday' as we have lots of fun playing outside in the garden. Have a look at how much fun we have had so far this term!
Class Teacher: Miss L Smyrell - Mrs C Johnston (Maternity Leave)
Classroom Assistant: Mrs A McElheran
SEN Classroom Assistant: Mrs R McConaghy
Miss L Smyrell Mrs C Johnston Mrs A McElheran Mrs R McConaghy
News from Primary 2 coming soon....
Welcome to Primary 2
Our first term of P2 has been full of fun activities. Please have a look at our class page to find out what we have been learning about so far!
Each week we enjoy learning about our new sound and exploring different things that have this sound. We have spent some time revising our initial sounds from Primary 1 before moving on our new digraph sounds.
Shared Reading
Our class loves reading! We have been listening to lots of stories linked to our topic 'Houses and Homes' and have completed lots of different activities around them.
We have:
In Language and Grammar, we have been revising our learning from P1. We have been busy practicising writing our names, learning about sentence structure, rhyming words, pronouns and speech bubbles.
In writing we have been revising how to write super sentences. We have learnt that every sentence needs a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. We have completed lots of writing activities related to our topic 'Houses and Homes.'
In Numeracy we have been learning about the numbers 11-16. We have completed some really fun activties both inside and outside and learnt some songs to help us with our number formation.
We have been:
In our Numeracy topic work, we have learnt about 2D shapes, measuing length using non-standard units and telling the time. We love completing lots of fun activities during task time to develop our learning.
These activities include:
Play-Based Learning
Our topic this term is 'Houses and Homes.' We have loved exploring this topic through play-based learning and have enjoyed investigating different types of homes around the world. Our class loves 'Welly Wednesday' as we have lots of fun playing outside in the garden. Have a look at how much fun we have had so far this term!