
Post Primary & SEAG 


This page has been designed to give current Primary 6 and Primary 7 parents information regarding post-primary applications and our school's preparation for the SEAG Assessments.  

Please see information below key dates for the SEAG Assessments for 2024

Registration Closes: Friday 20th September 2024

SEAG Paper 1: Saturday 16th November 2024

SEAG Paper 2: Saturday 23rd November 2024


SEAG Information

At Bushvalley we dedicate time and effort to preparing the children for the SEAG Transfer Tests.  Please see the table below for our SEAG Transfer Statistics.

As a school, we help prepare the children for the SEAG Assessments through a SEAG Club twice a week on a Tuesday from 3pm-4pm and on a Thursday from 2pm-3pm (March-November).  The children also recieve summer tuition face-to-face in August.

Please see below further details reagrding the SEAG Assessment.  

SEAG Assessment Website

Previous Transfer Statistics 

Academic Year Examination Number of pupils in class Number of children sitting Examination % Grammar School Places 
2022/2023 AQE 23 14 88%
2023/2024 SEAG 27 13 72%

Primary 6 Parent Advice - 2024/2025
